Red Echo

January 24, 2007

It has been a good day. I was out late last night, for Katie’s birthday party, but it was a good party and well worth being a little tired today.

At work this afternoon I implemented the last piece of a language-architecture project I’ve been working on, in slow bits and occasional pieces, for almost three years.

This evening I got together with Dawn, Collin, and Greg for our first band practice of 2007. We played much better than I expected, for having taken six weeks off, and the songs still sound good after time away. I think it’s time to record a demo and work on booking our first show.

Now it’s late, but not too late, and I’m at home with a mug of green tea working on my corduroy jacket. I pinned the sleeves into the body of the jacket yesterday, and now I’m basting them in place. Once that’s done I’ll stitch up the hems.


  1. hmmm…

    Could the three year project be… [ymkqxfzf] allow small code modifications to running apps without re-compiling and re-linking

    Comment by Gerard Hammond — January 26, 2007 @ 4:33 pm

  2. No – I did the last piece of that one last week. This is something completely different.

    Comment by Mars Saxman — January 26, 2007 @ 8:27 pm