I am impatiently awaiting the next batch of parts for my rhythm-robot project. I simply can’t make any progress on the front panel until the switches, LCD panel, and encoders arrive. In the meantime, I’ve decided to sort out and organize my various boxes and drawers full of electronic parts. With Ava’s help, I’ve sorted all of the resistors into one big tackle box with clearly marked slots. Now all the dozens of battery holders have gone into one big box, the transistors are all sorted together, the capacitors have been grouped, I have slots for LEDs, random ICs, switches, potentiometers, and so on. There’s also an entire box of lasers. I still have a table full of parts to be sorted – dozens of linear regulators, a couple of solar cells, half a dozen MintyBoost kits, a stack of EPROMs, various batteries… but the mess is a lot more controlled now, and I’ve filled two wastebaskets with surplus packaging.
April 12, 2010
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