Red Echo

May 25, 2013

New house: moved in

We got a little 5×8 u-haul trailer, hitched it up behind the Rover, filled it with stuff, and carted it all over to the new house. Repeat twice more, with a break in between for the piano movers, and that’s most of the move. Another couple of runs tomorrow will account for the rest of it, but the bed & bath are here, so this is where we live now!

We took a quick jaunt up to Wallingford with the trailer and bought a dining set. Ava’s been watching Craigslist for a couple of weeks and found this great gorgeous ’20s-era table with six chairs and a matching hutch. It’s a smallish table with leaves that pull out on either end, just right for our dining room. It’s so nice! We are so happy with it.

Lots more work to do yet but the heavy labor is over.