Red Echo

October 1, 2015

Text editing as a wire protocol

I spend a lot of my computer time editing text files, and so I’ve thought a lot about how one might go about that in a system like Fleet. One approach would pack all possible editing services into a single, monolithic IDE, which could run within a single VM. It would mount the disk containing the files you want to work on, present a file browser, and let you edit away to your heart’s content.

There’s nothing wrong with that approach, and it wouldn’t be hard to build out of existing components, but it doesn’t really satisfy my sense of elegance. I’d rather find a way to plug my editing tools together like Lego bricks.

It’d be really convenient, for example, to separate the code that renders text on screen from the code that manages all the data and performs the edits. Text can be displayed in lots of different ways depending on the context (code? email? notepad? letter writing?), but the process of editing a text buffer is the same. Wouldn’t it be neat if I could write the editing engine once and just slap a bunch of different interfaces on it depending on context?

The Fleet philosophy says that every connection between components has to take the form of a wire protocol, but what kind of wire protocol would represent a text editor? That really isn’t the sort of thing client/server processes typically do!

It occurred to me, however, that unix is full of command-line apps which accept commands typed in through a serial connection, producing output as text. There is an ancient program called ‘ed’, part of Unix since the 60s, whose user interface is basically a little line-oriented command language. What if we just redefined its interface as a wire protocol? A text-editing interface program would become a bridge, with one end connected to an “edit buffer service” and the other connected to a “terminal display service”.

This would allow multiplexing: one could have an arsenal of tiny, single-purpose editing tools which do their work by sending commands to an edit-buffer service. No need to keep reimplementing the edit buffer in every tool – just send some ed commands down the wire.

The `ed` program was designed to edit text files, but considering its command language as a wire protocol, what we’re looking at in the abstract is simply an array of text chunks. There’s no reason the actual bits on disk have to be nothing more than a flat text file: one could implement a different edit-buffer service for each different kind of file format, allowing one to mix and match editor interfaces and buffer services.

We can take it further. `ed` commands consist of a line reference, an identifying char, and optional parameters if the command needs them. What if we could extend the line reference syntax and used the same protocol to manipulate multidimensional data?

The syntax currently makes no use of the colon character ‘:’, so I suggest that the editor wire protocol could be extended by allowing a sequence of indexes delimited by colons:

Current: ‘X’\n

2D extension:

One could thus write a generic table viewer which would speak this protocol, then plug it into an edit-buffer service representing a CSV spreadsheet file or an NCSA server log file. And of course there’s no reason you couldn’t continue stacking dimensions arbitrarily if you wanted an edit service backed by JSON or some other hierarchical format.

It might be worthwhile to define a read-only subset of the protocol, since some tools will be content to view data, and it would be useful to develop buffer services which present a common interface for exploring structured data even if it’s not practical to perform edits.