Red Echo

July 16, 2012

Motorcycle trip concept route

I spent a while roughing out a cross-country loop route for the motorcycle trip I mentioned the other day. I want to avoid the South, since it’s summer time, and avoid the plains states as much as possible, since they are boring. The route also prefers two-lane minor highways over the big interstates, and I routed it through parks and other less-developed areas whenever possible.

The result is a 6500 mile loop spread over twelve riding days.

My bike has practically-new tires, chain, and sprockets, so it’s in good shape for a long trip. I’d have to get the valve cover gasket replaced and add on a pair of highway pegs. It might also be a good idea to add on a set of panniers, instead of bungee-cording a backpack onto the seat rest – maybe .50-cal ammo boxes?